Christian Zugel’s Volvo 70 Tschüss 2 (USA)  © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC
Christian Zugel’s Volvo 70 Tschüss 2 (USA)  © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC

Rich getting richer

0700 UTC Sunday 28 July 2024

On the second day of the Roschier Baltic Sea Race the international fleet have made good progress west along the Southern coastline of Finland. Christian Zugel’s Volvo 70 Tschüss 2 (USA) leads on the water, and overall after IRC time correction Tschüss 2 is expected to reach the Almagrundet Lighthouse off the Stockholm Archipelago at about 0900 UTC.

View from the helm of Tschuss 2 with Christy Welch on Main Sheet

Sunday 28 July 0500 UTC – “A fun and interesting first 24 hours,” commented Tschüss 2 navigator Campbell Field, by satellite. “Making our way west after the start there was a few different opinions on board, and we noted a couple of boats elected to get a bit further offshore than we wanted to do. After Hanko, we were picking our way through a lot of the obstacles on the coastline of the Finnish archipelago which made it a long night without sleep.

“We're on a very tight reach doing 10 1/2 knots or so. Interestingly, we just went through a fleet of square riggers with some entertaining comments from the Tschüss crew! We are expecting to see the breeze in the next hour and a half or so, start to head so that we can tack over towards the Almagrundet Lighthouse. We expect a couple of light patches of wind before it starts to build again as we head south towards Gotland. The latest forecast shows a good run down to the west coast of Gotland with 20 knots, which should be fun! All on board are in good spirits, the sun is shining, what else can you ask for?”

Swan 88 Spiip © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC

Pascal Oddo’s Swan 88 Spiip is currently second on the water, about 25 miles astern of Tschüss 2 and also third overall under IRC. Swan 88 Spiip was only launched in May and is taking part in her first race.

Spiip trimmer Ronan Grealish commented by satellite: “A great start and all happy onboard. This morning the Code Zero is up and it’s a beautiful morning in the Baltic Sea. We had short heavy rain showers during the night, but generally the wind has been light and variable, with a right (west) trend now. Fingers crossed the forecast is playing out as expected and will go west, but we are on a fetch towards Sandham.”

Johnny Hayes & Fletch on Privateer © Juggy/Privateer

Ron O’Hanley’s Cookson 50 Privateer (USA) is about an hour behind Spiip after IRC time correction but ahead of all the fifty-footers on the water and on IRC. An impressive performance from a boat built in 2007 up against brand new designs such as Rán and Tulikettu Redkik. The Privateer crew has huge experience on board; Juggy Clougher has raced round the world twice and has been regular crew with Rambler and Comanche to name but two record breaking yachts. His schoolmate from Tasmania, Peter Fletcher is also on board Privateer. ‘Fletch’ has done 36 Sydney Hobarts and Johnny Hayes, also on board, has done 15 Newport Bermudas.

“Some great views out here! Like a house built on a rock just outside Helsinki!” commented Juggy Clougher by satellite from Privateer. “The midnight sun is searing the eyeballs a bit, but all is really good on board. We were dodging rocks through the night – exciting times we live in! We had a rain squall line during the night and Privateer is in a game of catch and release with Rán.... and it’s still on! We have Spiip on the horizon in front and the breeze is starting to fill now!”

Team Pro4U © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC

The stand-out performer so far in the Roschier Baltic Sea Race is the Royal Swedish Youth Team racing First 36.7 Team Pro4U (SWE), skippered by Linnea Floser. Team Pro4U is second overall after IRC time correction and had a huge lead in IRC Two of at least 20 miles. Second in IRC Two is Arttu Hult’s Inferno 31 Inferna (FIN) and third is Mikko Lehtojoki’s X-99 Black Pearl (FIN).

J/121 Jolene © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC

Seven teams are racing in IRC Two-Handed. Fredrik Rydin’s J/121 Jolene (SWE), racing with Johan Tuvstedt is showing a clean pair of heels to the doublehanded class. Jolene is 30 miles ahead on the water and has a massive lead on IRC time correction. The reigning doublehanded champions for the race are in second; Paer Lindfors’ Albin Nova Team Mobline (SWE) is once again racing with co-skipper Nadine Kugel. J/109 Irie (FIN), co-skippered by Julius Haartti & Sanna Moliis is in third.

JPK 1180 Garm © Pepe Korteniemi/RORC

In IRC One, three Swedish boats are ranked top three after time correction. Per Roman’s JPK 1180 Garm (SWE) leads on the water and after IRC time correction. Second is Håkan Grönvall First 40 C-Me (SWE) and third is the doublehanded Jolene. All three skippers are members of the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) and the Royal Swedish Yacht Club (KSSS).

LIVE positions of all the boats in the Roschier Baltic Sea Race

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